Unigraphics. Справочник по интерфейсу пользователя

Object-Related Functions

Object-related functions generally work on a specific Unigraphics object. In order to use a Unigraphics object with one of these spreadsheet functions, you will need to assign a Unigraphics name attribute to the object.

This section contents are:

MASS3D Functions

MASS3D Keywords

Using Component Names

NOTE: Object-related functions may take string or numeric arguments. String arguments such as "object_name" may be specified by the string in double quotes, such as "LINE1", or by a cell reference to that string.

UGATTR( "object_name", "attribute_title", attribute_type)



ARCLEN( "object_name", param1, param2, units )

When multiple steps are used between parameter values the first column will contain the evaluated parameter value, and the column(s) to the right will contain the data value(s), so that the data is in a form acceptable to the graphing functions in the spreadsheet.

As with ARCLEN, this function will work on any curve type and will return an error message if the object is not a curve.

EVALSRF( "object_name", eval_type, umin, umax, numu, vmin, vmax, numv )

POINT( "object_name" )

MASS3D( "object_name", type, units)

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